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The F-Bomb Mom
Random thoughts on Food, Fashion, Fitness and being almost Fifty
Our Recent Posts

I Don't Like Surprises
Ever since I can remember, I have always craved order and schedules and fine, I’ll say it, monotony. As an overweight child and then...
I'm Writing a Book!
About Perimenopause!!! (Record scratch) Fun subject, huh? I know it’s a little awkward, but please keep reading. As some of you know,...

Happy New Year! (AKA Screw You 2017)
Oh man. It's 2018. Finally. Yay! I think this is the most excited I have ever been to start a new year. Aside from the obvious (TRUMP,...
Very Peri
"Your hormone levels are normal," the email said. Which, of course, was good news. But it still didn't explain the mood swings, the...
Raising New Yorkers
When I was a kid and people would ask me where I lived, their reaction was usually: "New York City? Ohhh, isn't it scary growing up...
"Mom, Stop Embarrassing Me!"
Who me? When did I become that Mom? Surely, they have me confused with someone else. Yet, lately, I'm forbidden to: a) Say hello to my...
That Day the Laundry Man Kissed Me
As a 12-year-old growing up in NYC in the 1980’s, one might assume I was exposed to a lot of things that were not exactly...

I'm just another Mom starting a blog
It's true. I'm a F*CKing cliche. A mom in her forties with some time on her hands and a desire to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming...
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