Happy New Year! (AKA Screw You 2017)
Oh man. It's 2018. Finally. Yay! I think this is the most excited I have ever been to start a new year.
Aside from the obvious (TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP), 2017 has been extremely challenging both personally and professionally. So, fingers crossed that this New Year lives up to the hype.
Last night we hosted a NYE party at our place. I have to say, it was awesome. Such a great way to kick off the new year. The kids organized the whole thing, including decorations, entertainment and favors. We even had a photo booth!
TALKING 'BOUT SOME RESOLUTIONS... I know, I know, resolutions are cliche and generally set you up for failure. Nevertheless, I am someone who welcomes the opportunity to change and aspires to improve my behaviors and reactions. Sounds a little cheesy? I guess, but so is blogging, so suck it.
1) Spend less time on my iPhone
I really, really, really, love my iPhone. It's sadly become a very integral part of my life. But, over the years I have realized I am kinda, sorta an addictive personality. And, well, I'm addicted to the phone. Whether its checking my instagram feed(s), texting my friends/family, logging my food on the LoseIt app or playing Word with Friends, I generally clock at least three hours a day on that thing. It's got to stop. I'm setting a horrible example for my girls and I am concerned it's bad for my health - Mental and physical. Any tricks/tips for cutting down? Please let me know!
2) Be More Present
Per above, I can be easily distracted. Usually, by my iPhone, but also, I tend to be in my head worrying about things or thinking of what I should be doing at that very second. I notice when I'm in the moment, I am such a better partner, parent and friend. Again, sounds cheesy, but it's something I'd like to continue to strive for this year.
3) Eat Healthier
Wait, it's not what you think. I'm not necessarily looking to lose weight or go on some crazy elimination diet. My motto is "everything in moderation." What I'd like to cut down on are all the chemicals. I drink diet soda a few times per week and other foods that are way more processed than need be. It's probably the easiest of my top three resolutions, but it's the one I'm looking forward to the least. Go figure.
Good luck with your resolutions! And feel free to comment below on what you are looking to change/improve/gain this year.
Happy 2018!